Guideline to Nutrition and Fitness for Cystic Fibrosis Patients

Different body organs are affected by the slimy mucus created by the cystic fibrosis (CF). Pancreas in our body produces essential digestive enzymes which play a role in food absorption are also prone to be layered by this mucus. Studies reveal that the 85% patients of cystic fibrosis exhibit pancreatic deficiency under the age of 10. The incapacity to absorb essential nutrition before going to the intestine of the body leads to malnutrition and related problems. Often the CF patients have to take digestive supplements to cure the problems. These supplements essentially aid in absorption of minerals and vitamins in food. CF patients have to consume high calories in addition to the digestive supplements than rest of the healthy people. Therefore, a child suffering from this problem must include high calorie diet along with digestive enzymes prescribed by a physician. A suitable workout plan is also vital for the CF patient. Eating habits need to be revised properly keeping the tim...