How not to get sick in winter: Top 5 Tips

Many believe that the cold winter is inevitable. But adherence to the simple recommendations made ​​by experts, can significantly reduce this risk. Do not touch the face . We can touch the face (nose, mouth) unconsciously, but in the meantime, it contributes to the spread of viruses, says Dr. Michael Langan, a primary care physician and associate professor of the medical center at Ohio State University Wexner. Previous studies have shown that humans are polluting microbes hands more often than wash them. Wash your hands . Proper hand washing (with soap and water for 20 seconds) to prevent the spread of germs. On the road, you can use a hand sanitizer. Get a flu shot . WHO believes that the best way to protect from viruses and influenza complications. Avoid colds people . At least, limit your contact with those who got the flu or the common cold. Especially need to take care of oneself to people with chronic diseases, pregnant women and young children. Be active and have he...