What vegetables are needed in intestinal diseases
Several years ago, scientists have published data that eating broccoli and planteyna can be an effective tool against Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. However, it turns out, is not any kind of fiber is equally useful in these diseases. In 2010, a study was published showing the role of broccoli and planteyna in Crohn's disease. Fiber stopped moving Escherichia coli, which causes the symptoms of Crohn's disease, the cells. When the researchers tested the effects of apples and leeks effect on bacteria was found that demanded an explanation, why did not any fiber helps in Crohn's disease. Scientists have conducted laboratory research on cell cultures (number of broccoli or planteyna was 5 mg / ml). Moving bacteria was stopped at 45-82%. After that, they confirmed their data on tissue samples taken from patients with Crohn's disease during surgery. Another interesting finding of the study was that the emulsifier polysorbate 60 and 80 increased the penetra...