
Showing posts with the label autoimmune disorder

What Causes Autoimmune Disease?

It's amazing just how many different types of autoimmune diseases there are in the medical books. The conventional medical community claims they are unaware of the cause of the body suddenly turning on itself. Doctors who take a more natural approach believe otherwise. Here are the type 5 causes of autoimmune disease. 1. Poor Diet Poor diet is one of the leading causes of all disease, including autoimmune disease. The Standard American Diet is also responsible for the rising obesity rate, the epidemic of cancer, and the startling array of mental and emotional disorders millions of people suffer from. Fast food, processed food, microwavable meals, soda, candy, etc. offer little-to-no nutritional value and are chock full of chemicals, preservatives, additives, and synthetic sweeteners your body doesn't recognize. As long as you continue to ingest these foods, your immune system works overtime to fight them off and protect you. An overworked immune system eventually ex...