Explaining Inverted Nipple Correction - Strategies, Treatment and Complications

Inverted nipple correction is a surgical procedure that corrects flat or turned in nipples. Inverted nipples may appear flat or have a depression in the form of a slit or a hole instead of a protruding nipple. They are caused by tight or short ligaments in the nipples that keep them from protruding naturally. Severely inverted nipples often cause problems with latching on during breastfeeding as well as emotional problems associated with the appearance and function of the nipples. Inverted nipples are generally categorised into three types or grades, and the grade of inverted nipple will determine the surgical procedure required to correct the condition. The grades are: Grade 1 - The inverted nipple will protrude with stimulation or exposure to cold and will remain so for some time. Breastfeeding is unaffected. Grade 2 - The inverted nipple will protrude with great difficulty but never remains so. Breastfeeding may be possible, but is not always. Grade 3 - The inverted nipple d...