Fat chance you may say but I overcame Obesity

After my daughter's birth I was busy nursing and taking care of her that I neglected my appearance. I guess this is something all of us do for a while after delivery. As a new mom you're busy enjoying motherhood and juggling house work, office as well as the new born. There is no time for grooming yourself and that is the time your treacherous body cheats on you. I put on weight and before long I was weighing 160 pounds. I was always short of breath and running around the house made me tired and weary through out the day. My temper was bad and my husband had a hard time wondering what's wrong with me. I couldn't fit into my clothes and had to sheepishly move towards the plus size counter at the store. I had severe back pain due to overweight and it was a task to get up from bed in the mornings. With physical obesity combined mental stress and I was on the verge of a breakdown. I met my GP who advised me to start a diet program to lose weight. I tried but there was no ...