Normal cherry save from pain in the legs

U.S. researchers have found that cherries reduce the risk of gout attacks. What is gout Gout - a disease which is characterized by acute onset: severe pain in the joints , swelling, redness and increased temperature of the skin over them. As a rule, in the pathological process involves joint of the big toe, also can be affected by the ankle, wrist, knee joints and joints of the hand. Gout is more common in men, women are exposed to the disease after menopause. Gout is caused by deposits of urate crystals in the joints - uric acid - which leads to the development of inflammation and the appearance of severe pain. Urate crystals are formed when the level of uric acid in the blood. Increased levels of uric acid may be associated with an increase in its production in the body or in violation of excretion by the kidneys. The essence of the study The study involved 633 patients suffering from gout. The average age of the patients was 54 years, most of them were men. Follow up of...