Maternal Obesity Can Hamper The Development Of Child's Brain
Obesity is normally associated with many common diseases like heart attacks and diabetics. But very few people know that imbalanced and fat rich diet taken by women before and during pregnancy can give birth to mentally retarded children especially males. The most important abnormality observed in such children is the appearance of anxiety during adulthood. Extra Weigh and Pregnant Women: Fatness can be extremely deleterious for pregnant women and doctors constantly warn such women not to increase their weight before and during pregnancy. The disproportional diet of the mother and any physical or mental trauma suffered by her can cause many different diseases in new born baby like mental disorders, obesity and diabetes in later stages of life. Mental Disorders Suffered by Children: According to a recent study there are many other mental problems children of obese mothers have to face apart from anxiety. Maternal obesity can cause anxiety for a life time It can have adverse...