
Showing posts with the label omega 3

Ways Through which you can Beat Away your Menstrual Cramps

Menstrual cramps are experienced by a lot of women all over the world. While some may feel lighter cramps, others get a torrid time dealing with their extensive menstrual cramps, and the worst part is that this happens every single month. For this reason you need to make sure that you control your pain to have a socially active life. Given below are some useful tips that I have compiled and tested , which would help you beat away your annoying menstrual cramps. PainKillers Although this is what exactly a lot of women do during their first half of menstruation, the key is to take a pill a night before you are going to have your period, so that you don't end up waking up in an agonizing way. Painkillers such as ibuprofen, certainly help reliving the intense cramp pains, however if you want you can also check with your doctor just to be sure! Yoga Yoga can certainly help a great deal. Different yoga poses allows the body muscles to relax, thus relieving soreness and tensio...

Essential Oils and their uses

Essential fatty acids are great as carrier oils for essential oils and other skincare products to help nourish and smooth skin. Essential Fatty Acids Essential oils are often mixed with carrier oils that help dilute the natural chemicals in the essential oils. Many carrier oils also contain nutrients that complement the essential oils and help nourish and heal the skin. Fatty acids are one category of carrier oils that have many helpful benefits. We frequently encounter fatty acids as part of our daily diets. Though many people try to avoid certain kinds of fat in their diets, fatty acids can actually improve health. When ingested, fatty acids are a source of energy for our body's cells and can help strengthen the cells. Fatty acids are necessary for healthy organ tissues and for distributing oxygen through the bloodstream. Fatty acids are also responsible for preventing signs of early aging in the skin and clearing cholesterol out of the arteries, which promotes weight los...

Belly Flattening Meals

The idea of a fit body for many people is having a flat belly and this is a goal of both men and women. Even though exercise is important, there are also some foods which can give really good results. It's not an easy task to get a flat stomach area, but with the right diet and proper exercise it is mission possible. Next time you go grocery shopping, you could shop for these belly flattening foods which will serve as the right catalyst for the change. Try to get rid of the food in your fridge that fattens your stomach and focus on eating and living healthier. The first thing to understand is that you can't get any good results without regular eating. Missing the breakfast or the lunch won't make you lose belly fat, but it can have the opposite effect. You need at least three meals every day - a powerful breakfast, a light lunch and a healthy dinner not later than 7pm. Another thing to put into practice is drinking more water - water intake is actually on top of the lis...

Stop Taking Fish Oil Supplements Fish oil appears to offer no heart benefits

If this week's headlines have you thinking you can stop taking your fish oil supplements , keep reading. The headlines and news coverage of the study they were based on do not tell the whole story. But as I've said before, it is never a good idea to make a dietary change based on a single news report unless it's for a food recall, and here's why. The research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association investigated whether people taking fish oil capsules had less risk of heart disease and death than those who did not. While the headlines said they did not, several factors limited the findings. The biggest one being that the subjects were not a healthy population, but people who had already suffered heart attacks and strokes. Since most people with a history of cardiovascular disease are taking multiple medications, it simply may not have been possible to tell what impact their fish oil supplements were having on lowering their risk factors . Key...