What You Need to Know About Mesothelioma in Children

Mesothelioma is deadly type of cancer that is most frequently caused by asbestos exposure. Mesothelioma is mostly found in older people but children can also suffer from this disease. Mesothelioma in children is extremely difficult to diagnose because it is rarely found in kids. In addition, in adults development of mesothelioma takes years after the exposure to asbestos, but with children, it is still not known. What Causes Mesothelioma in Children? Mesothelioma in adults is caused by asbestos exposure and takes decades before the cancer is diagnosed. It is because asbestos fibers that enter the body remain embedded in the body for decades before being diagnosed. On the other hand, when it is diagnosed in children, they generally do not live long enough. Mesothelioma in children can be linked to asbestos but it can be occur without asbestos exposure. Researchers are looking for hereditary links and other possible causes. Types of Mesothelioma in Children Since pleural mesotheli...