
Showing posts with the label Cardiovascular

The Most Salutary Vegetables

Vegetables are doubtless salutary foods. They are rich in crucial nutrients, and another precious benefit they offer is a lot of dietary fibre. That is why it is recommended to consume vegetables in sufficient amounts, with daily quotas of at least five servings. Vegetables enhance people's immunity to diseases that plague humanity. The most salutary vegetables, according to a number of classifications, comprise tomatoes, broccoli, carrots, eggplants, sweet potatoes, bell peppers, spinach, onions. In fact, the list of healthy vegetables could be continued, but let us dwell on the shortlist of the most salutary ones presented above. Tomatoes are technically a type of fruit, but they are staples in salads, and their cancer fighting qualities have long been known to people. The vitamins contained in tomatoes are a prerequisite for good health as well. Broccoli is an outstanding example of a powerfully salutary vegetable. They are packed with lots of antioxidants, and thus ins...

Stop Taking Fish Oil Supplements Fish oil appears to offer no heart benefits

If this week's headlines have you thinking you can stop taking your fish oil supplements , keep reading. The headlines and news coverage of the study they were based on do not tell the whole story. But as I've said before, it is never a good idea to make a dietary change based on a single news report unless it's for a food recall, and here's why. The research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association investigated whether people taking fish oil capsules had less risk of heart disease and death than those who did not. While the headlines said they did not, several factors limited the findings. The biggest one being that the subjects were not a healthy population, but people who had already suffered heart attacks and strokes. Since most people with a history of cardiovascular disease are taking multiple medications, it simply may not have been possible to tell what impact their fish oil supplements were having on lowering their risk factors . Key...