Types Of Drug And Alcohol Treatment
There are several levels of drug and alcohol treatment. Before we look for a drug rehab or alcohol treatmentalcohol treatment program, we have to look at the level of care needed for the severity of the problem. Just as there are various levels of use of mood altering drugs, there are various levels of treatment. Here are some levels of care and examples of what may be appropriate for a situation. Brief Therapy/Intervention - This is usually a very short duration program, but can be very effective. Perhaps a person who really is not involved with alcohol over does it one time on a birthday or New Years and is caught on their first DUI. They may be mandated to attend alcohol classes where education is provided for a few weeks. Detoxification - The idea that this is treatment is a common misconception. The purpose of a 'Detox' is to safely monitor and de-escalate an incident of intoxification. Generally, as soon as you are medically stable (which is not recovery treatment) ...