Overweight Women Experience Obesity

Overweight women face a multitude of hardships - such as discrimination in the workplace - that arise from the stigma surrounding obesity. While weight loss may seem like the solution for women hoping to escape anti-fat prejudice, it may not be that simple after all.

New research out of the University of Hawaii at Manoa, The University of Manchester and Monash University, has revealed that anti-fat prejudice still persisted against former obese women, even after they had lost a significant amount of weight.

Previous research has shown that the harmful nature of obesity stigma crossed many domains, Dr. Janet Latner, the study's lead author at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, told FoxNews.com. So we designed an experiment to look at whether obesity sting persisted once the weight had been dropped.

Published in the journal Obesity, the study asked young men and women participants to read various stories about a woman who had lost about 70 pounds, or a woman who was currently obese or thin who had remained stable. The participants were then asked to rate the women's attractiveness and then give their opinions on fat people in general.

Negative attitudes toward the obese targets also seemed to increase when the participants were falsely told that the person's weight was easily controllable.

Though the researchers cannot explain exactly why the findings were the way they were, Latner and her colleagues theorized that people are perhaps more judgmental towards the obese, because they believe that it is something the person can easily manage.

Because of their staggering findings, Latner and her team agree that government intervention is necessary to reduce the prejudice against the overweight and obese.

According to Latner, while obesity is important to combat in today's society, obesity stigma is just as important to address, because its persistence could deter overweight women from shedding the pounds.

By Loren Grush


  1. Interesting study, I like my women with some nice curves.

  2. While I don't particularly like obese women, I don't like skinny and muscular women as well. I just want them normal, I guess. Of course, this ONLY applies to women I would date, not women I would befriend since I could befriend practically anyone who isn't an asshole.

  3. I'd hate to be a woman, so much pressure physically on what to be and what not to be

  4. over weight women: experience less flirting

  5. "the prejudice against the overweight"
    here we go with the fatitude.

  6. Overweight is always a problem. thanks.

  7. interesting article. Thanks for stopping by and following!


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