Germany Invalidates Apple's Customer Data Policy Rules

The Apple Store has recently made updates available for its German news provider app, de Deutsch Online. Apple describes the app as a simple, straightforward e-news reader that would supply Germans with all the latest news and information that might come from reputable and reliable German news sources. However, before considering several app downloads, some privacy issues have been forwarded and it seems like Germans need to be more aware of how their private information is being used. Sourcing a consumer group's statement on its website in a report by Karen Matussek of Bloomberg, eight out of the fifteen provisions in Apple's general data use terms have been hacked down by a Berlin court. The reason for this is that Apple's general data use terms are too farfetched and deviate from German laws. The Berlin court also reiterated that Apple cannot summon global consent to be able to access and utilize customer data, including their locations. With the advent of apps bei...