
Showing posts with the label Vaping

The Simple How Tos of Vaping

It really is simple. The act of vaping is designed to pretty much mimic the act of smoking a regular tobacco cigarette. You draw on the end of the electronic cigarette, the vapor enters your mouth and lungs, the nicotine is delivered, and then you blow out the excess vapor. One of the biggest differences is that an electronic cigarette will not light up brighter, nor produce more vapor, from being drawn on harder. Slow and long pulls are the best way to create the most amount of vapor with an e-cig. If your electronic cigarette begins to produce less vapor there are two most likely causes: either your battery is low, or you are low on e-liquid, or both. As you become familiar with your electronic cigarette, preferred e-liquid and battery performance, you will learn how to stay a step ahead of your electronic cigarette, and rarely experience you e-cig running low on vapor. Many users say that both the e-liquid and the battery run low around the same time, so you can keep things flow...