Love Tattoo: What to do when the ink lasts longer than the 'I Do'

It was an epic romance of pop culture legend. She threw a bottle at his head across a crowded MTV stage, and dates were Jean Paul Gaultier fashion shows; love songs about Teenage Dreams sold millions, film premieres in complementary colour palettes were schmoozed at, and inevitably the ultimate public declaration of them all followed: Russell Brand and Katy Perry got matching tattoos. But then the fairy tale exploded like a Firework in one of the pop star's songs, and the Sanskrit inking on their respective upper arms outlasted the marriage vows. With the divorce finalised this week- Perry signed off on the papers with a smiley face, truly happy, it seems, to wave the funnyman goodbye- the question on everybody's lips is: will those tats be wiped from record too, just like their doomed relationship? It's a common dilemma. So common, in fact, that the tattoo removal is tipped as becoming the next billion dollar industry- ink lovers are flocking in droves to remove chea...