Identified or Anonymous? How to Choose a Sperm/Egg Donor

Once married, there are many things couples dream about, and when they begin thinking of starting a family, the furthest thing on their mind is artificial insemination. However, there are those times when it does become necessary whether it is male infertility problems with the husband. Another problem can be if you are a single woman who is looking to get pregnant. Each year the clients and ratings grow for sperm donation. When looking for a donor, it is best to weigh your options on which type of donor you want. Known vs. Anonymous Donor Single women wanting a biological child, or those unfortunate couples who cannot conceive can benefit from sperm donation, as it's safe and effective. The question, however, is if they prefer a known donor, who has agreed to release information on their identity, or if they want an anonymous donor where their identity is unknown. There are many factors to this decision both on a personal and policy level. When it comes to a personal leve...