Apple's New iPad, It's Faster and Screen Is Better

Apple just announced the newest iPad, which will be called the iPad, and not the iPad 3 or iPad HD or iPad: Eddie Bauer Edition or with any other modifier. The big hits: it's got a better screen ("better" in this case meaning Apple has stolen all the pixels in the world and crammed them into the new iPad), a faster processor, an optional 4G LTE chip, and some software updates. So the big news here is the screen resolution, which is bonkers. At 2048 x 1536 pixels, it has significantly more pixels than not just the old iPad, but also your 1080p HDTV and just about any other "HD" screen you've got lying around. Apple's again referring to it as a "Retina Display," which means that you won't be able to see pixels with your bare, weakened, organic eyeballs, at least from the 15-inch distance Apple estimates most people have between their eyes and their iPads. (Note: Apple is clearly excluding cats, which have more sensitive eyes and sit closer ...