Apples protect women from cancer
Scientists from New York came to the conclusion that only one apple a day may reduce the risk of cancer of the breast. However, for this it is necessary to include in your diet and also some other products, write the foreign media. If on apple eat in combination with other fruits and vegetables, it will significantly reduce the risk of cancer in women. It does not really matter what kind of products will be included in the diet further. The study showed that apples contain large amounts of phenolic resin and flavonoids, which are very effective in the prevention of cancer. An experiment was conducted on laboratory mice, the risk of cancer which was 81%. Within 24 weeks of scientists gave rodents 1, 2 or 3 portions apples. When the experiment was over, it was found that the risk of developing cancer in mice who ate one serving of apples a day, up 57% from consuming 2 servings - 50%, while those eating 3 servings - 23%.