Guideline to Nutrition and Fitness for Cystic Fibrosis Patients

Different body organs are affected by the slimy mucus created by the cystic fibrosis (CF). Pancreas in our body produces essential digestive enzymes which play a role in food absorption are also prone to be layered by this mucus. Studies reveal that the 85% patients of cystic fibrosis exhibit pancreatic deficiency under the age of 10. The incapacity to absorb essential nutrition before going to the intestine of the body leads to malnutrition and related problems.

Often the CF patients have to take digestive supplements to cure the problems. These supplements essentially aid in absorption of minerals and vitamins in food. CF patients have to consume high calories in addition to the digestive supplements than rest of the healthy people. Therefore, a child suffering from this problem must include high calorie diet along with digestive enzymes prescribed by a physician.

A suitable workout plan is also vital for the CF patient. Eating habits need to be revised properly keeping the time constraint inn mind. A school going child may find difficult to manage his/her eating schedule as per school's timing and therefore, may affect the overall health. CF students may encounter problem in consuming low calorie food and beverages as per the rules of schools and colleges. This is to deal with the alarming situation of obesity in youngsters, but the CF patients have to be watchful in taking their meals as prescribed to them. The CF students should be given big balanced breakfast in morning and the subsequent meals should be rich in complex carbohydrates that take longer to digest and gives energy. A nurse in the school may also talk to the teacher to allow extra lunch breaks to the student because of the health requirements.

Cystic fibrosis is also associated to the lung health. According to studies, patients with good BMI- Body Mass Index as per their weight, age and height pulmonary related tests. Physicians suggest that CF patients should achieve optimal health and BMI level under the age of 6 to minimize the chances of hospitalization because of pulmonary issues.

It is also known that different activities like jumping and running cause pulsation in the heart that may kindle coughing. Coughing is a good sign for the CF patients because it acts a natural chest treatment that helps the body to relieve itself from infectious mucus in lungs. It is also a proven fact that exercise helps to avert infections and lung swelling. Different exercises raise the breathing rate in a human body and strengthen muscles of abs, chest and back which eventually make coughing easier. For treating CF, cardio-pulmonary workouts and aerobics are considered very effective as good amount of oxygen is distributed all over the body.

Parents of CF patients often want a fitness session or a class in their schools. It is not a good option unless a school nurse discusses with the sports teachers or coach about the child's condition to render him/her maximum benefit from the sports activities. Be careful of such activities that may worsen the allergy issues in patients and opt for better alternatives.

Lucrative options can be dance classes, martial arts or other society classes for the CF patients. To improve lungs' health the patients may also join orchestra or musical band classes as different instruments help in recovering and maintaining lung operation. It also proves to be fruitful for the student who applies for college to avail the scholarship offers.

As a result healthy nutrition coupled with exercise can reap long-lasting advantages for the CF patients of all age groups. Different CF Clinics give expert advice on nutrition, diet plans and workouts to assist the patients in best possible manner that can improve their health and fitness.


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