For the Love of Beauty: Goodbye, Flaws.. Hello, Perfection!

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, they say. But there are various ways that can definitely help you catch any beholder's eye, and the initial step is eradicating the flaws that make you feel less of yourself. Although you may not be as handsome as Superman or as sensational as Marilyn Monroe, there are many ways you can boost your self-esteem. Nowadays, beauty regimen does not serve its purpose for women as a large number of men are becoming more and more conscious of their physical appearance. Although unbelievable as it may seem, when you go to spas, you'd see if an equal number of men and women who seek for beautifying treatments. This is because beauty has now evolved from a 'want' to a 'need' cause all of us are striving for more than the acceptance, but adoration from our society. As having said so, beauty regimens do not only come in capsulated forms as there are also a lot of invasive and non-invasive procedures for both men and women. Lady H...