Balloon in the stomach help to lose weight

In the UK allowed to treat obesity using the gastric balloon Obalon, inflating like balloons, reports Medical Daily. Instead of operations required for the installation of standard cylinders, the patient is offered to swallow the capsule size of a large pill. To one end of the capsule is connected medical thin tube (catheter) through which the balloon is inflated like a balloon. Thereafter, the catheter is removed, the capsule is not required to extract - it dissolves in 10 minutes after exposure to the stomach. Balloon to the size of a large sprawling apple support feeling of fullness and thus helps the patient to eat less. A month after the installation of the first balloon, you can enter the second, and a month later - the third. After three months, all the "balloons" are removed from the patient's stomach. During this time Obalon helps to lose an average of 7.7 pounds. The cost of two capsules of nearly five thousand dollars. Installing the gastric balloon...