What is Foot Reflexology
Foot Reflexology has become a well respected ADJUNCT to regular medical care.It is used in Hospitals, by Physical Therapists and Chiropractors to enhance MOST forms of medical treatments. Foot reflexology can help ease the pain of achy joints and muscles, relieve headaches and toothaches, improve the functioning of major systems of the body. Foot Reflexology works by applying pressure at specific points on the bottom of the foot. This is not the same as acupressure or acupuncture. In fact, the only thing that is the same is that medical science can't prove how it works...they just know it does!! There are over 7,200 nerve endings at the bottom of each foot. Nerves connectto every organ, every limb and region of the body through the brain and spinal column. It is thought that foot reflexology works in much the same way. Even though we don't actually work the nerve endings, the correlation of the bottom of the feet to every region of the body definitely exists. It was orig...