How to calculate your ideal weight

Even if it's just a couple of extra pounds, they are still better to get rid of. Studies have shown that the loss of at least 5 percent of excess weight is capable of a beneficial effect on your health. The main secret of successful weight loss lies in the right combination of diet and physical activity. Do not believe the promising diet and slimming. If you lose 900 gr. a week, your body goes into a mode of self-defense, are increasingly reluctant to giving their fat reserves. When you sit on too strict diet, your body gets rid of not only fat, but also on the muscle mass. This leads to the fact that the muscles gradually become less elastic, and overweight out unevenly with difficulty. Body mass index (BMI) The truth is that there is no unified standard weight for all. Many years ago, doctors used a ratio of weight and height to determine whose weight is normal, and who urgently need to get rid of extra pounds. Later this approach was slightly adjusted, and there was body...