For the Love of Beauty: Goodbye, Flaws.. Hello, Perfection!

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, they say. But there are various ways that can definitely help you catch any beholder's eye, and the initial step is eradicating the flaws that make you feel less of yourself. Although you may not be as handsome as Superman or as sensational as Marilyn Monroe, there are many ways you can boost your self-esteem.

Nowadays, beauty regimen does not serve its purpose for women as a large number of men are becoming more and more conscious of their physical appearance. Although unbelievable as it may seem, when you go to spas, you'd see if an equal number of men and women who seek for beautifying treatments. This is because beauty has now evolved from a 'want' to a 'need' cause all of us are striving for more than the acceptance, but adoration from our society.

As having said so, beauty regimens do not only come in capsulated forms as there are also a lot of invasive and non-invasive procedures for both men and women.

Lady Humps

Naturally, big breasts are much favoured for women and that's why there are procedures for breasts enlargement. However, if a man has larger boobs than usual, that's a completely different story. Gynaecomastia is rather embarrassing for men and this is why male breast reduction is now done for men who would like to reduce their unique gift. However, since this is a surgical procedure, any client who is considering this option must be holistically prepared.

Patients are given the option to either have this surgery done alone or with lipoplasty. Like any other reduction procedure, the excess fats are sucked out togive the breasts a firmer tone. There are surgical marks that can be visible after the surgery but in time, these will fade. This surgery does not guarantee a lifetime free of gynaecomastia as obesity can also lead to enlargement of the breasts.

Goodbye, Acne!

With the hundreds of pollutants now dominating our daily lives, it is absolutely unavoidable for our face to contract acne-one of the most irritating skin problems. Aside from topical agents that we can use, there are also treatments available for eradicating acne such as ellipse IPL.

Hello Forever Youth

So far, no one has ever found the fountain of youth, but we need not fear as facelift is here. This surgical procedure is useful in making fine lines less pronounced, as well as the sagging of the skin. These signs of ageing that we once feared are now just minor glitches with the help of science and medicine. Even though there are creams and non-invasive procedures we can use, facelift is by far the most effective surgical treatment to combat these signs of ageing. However, you must be willing to go under the knife is you're going to decide to have your face lifted.

Whether we like it or not, we now have to say goodbye to the traditional techniques of beautification. Thanks to the superior intelligence of man, we are now gifted with new ways to love ourselves more by bringing out the beauty that we truly have.

Sarah del Rosario is a lifestyle and business blogger. She is currently collaborating with, one of the leading providers of Cosmetic Surgery.


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