Meat and fish are useful for men

Men, especially the elderly, can get a lot of benefits for physical and mental health if they are dieting based on meat and fish.

In a study of Japanese scientists, which lasted seven years, attended by more than 1,000 elderly men. Volunteers who "leaned" on meat and fish, thus reducing by 39 percent the risk of reducing the mental and physical functions (compared with men who did not practically eat animal protein). Unfortunately, the same trend was not seen in women.

Initially, participants were asked to give details about their diet, including the consumption of animal protein. Health status, as well as social and intellectual aspects of volunteers was recorded twice - at the beginning of the study and seven years later. The volunteers were divided into four groups, depending on how much meat and fish are eating. At the end of about a quarter of the study participants showed a decline of intellectual and other skills. Basically this sad trend was observed among those who neglected animal proteins. While men who ate more meat and fish, in contrast, showed a significant reduction in the risk of cognitive impairment, as well as the development of diseases associated with aging.

Critics of the study emphasize that the work was not taken into account the intensity of the exercise - an important factor in mental and physical health. Nevertheless, it is generally agreed that the proper intake of protein is important, especially for aged people, when the need for this nutrient may increase.


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