Glass of juice against obesity and pressure

Want to lose weight, lower blood pressure and blood fat levels? Drink one glass of vegetable juice a day! This advice given by scientists from the University of California, presented the results of their research at a conference of biologists in New Orleans (USA).

Scientists have taken under the supervision of 80 men and women aged 40-65 years. All participants experience suffered so-called metabolic syndrome . This diagnosis is made ​​when a person is obese in the abdomen, high blood pressure and sugar, high rate of blood triglycerides and low - the good cholesterol (HDL).

All participants were asked to follow a diet with reduced salt and fat. After 3 months, it became clear that all managed to lose more than those who, in addition to diet every day to drink a glass of vegetable juice (no salt). Why did this happen, it is not known - scientists continue to observe the subjects. However council drink a day over a glass of juice, you can use right now.


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