Causes of abdominal pain and actions

Almost everyone in our crazy time ever encountered yes heartburn or indigestion.

If such an event is rare, there are no special reason to worry not, but if you feel unwell after eating, and do not care what you eat, that's when you ought to think.

How to identify the disease

Disorder manifests itself as follows:
abdominal pain
constipation or diarrhea
and other similar symptoms

Sometimes it's a feeling that you have filled the gas that constantly gurgles and hums. When this occurs, you ask yourself, how many of these symptoms are severe.

Possible options

Dyspepsia - upset digestive function. Comes from the fact that the body lacked the required number of enzymes responsible for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). It occurs more frequently when the irrational, chaotic eating and drinking certain foods to excess.

If you ate a lot of sugar, grapes, beans, muffins, honey, peas, kvass and other carbohydrates, causing fermentation and gas, be prepared for flatulence and bloating. By eating large amounts of protein (especially pork and mutton), slowly processed fat (mutton, pork), as well as the products are not the first freshness - like symptoms plus cramps and pain you just provided.

Dyspepsia is often seen in people suffering from gastritis and pancreatitis.

Heartburn - a burning sensation in the upper part of the abdomen, throat (sometimes coughing), chest. Nature heartburn is that unnecessarily drawn gastric juice as a lava flow from the stomach is thrown up. If the considered symptoms appeared at you after a hearty meal in the supine position, after stooping, if unpleasant bitter (sour) you burp appeared for the first time, then this problem can be solved independently. But, in the case of recurring heartburn, especially when taking any medication (antidepressants, antihistamines, heart medications, birth control pills for women, etc.), you must consult a doctor immediately. And when you lose your appetite, and you end up feeling tired - need to run to the doctor immediately. Frequently recurring heartburn can lead to a number of serious diseases (narrowing of the esophagus, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer), as well as indicate the presence of gastroesophageal reflex disease.

There is such a diagnosis officially at 5-7% of the population. For frequent heartburn are problems with swallowing (reason - burn excess esophageal gastric juice). Seriousness of the disease occurrence can be determined only after a series of physician surveys.


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