Whitening teeth

The researches of the British Royal Society of Chemistry, teeth whitening using ultraviolet lamp is bad for the health of the skin and eyes, according Tacade.com.

According to the head of research Breyzel Helen (Ellen Brazzel), after bleaching procedure using an ultraviolet lamp can be damage to the skin and eyes caused by radioactive exposure to UV. As explained by the doctor, one such procedure is equivalent "to fire in the middle of summer in open space with no protection from the sun." In high-risk patients are those with sensitive skin and increased reaction to light.

Ultraviolet for whitening teeth used to enhance the effectiveness of agents such as hydrogen peroxide .

In December 2013, another group of British scientists has established how much sugar can be used to keep your teeth healthy.

About the latest developments of dental science and modern methods of dental treatment in the special project "All about dentistry" .


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