How to avoid a hangover after the holidays

Hard to imagine the New Year without a delicious meal on the table and alcohol. However, the holidays pass, but an unpleasant aftertaste in the form of a hangover - remains. What alcohol choose to protect the body from a hangover?

Headache, nausea, intoxication - often these symptoms you feel if "sifted" poor liquor. But not all the same alcohol affects the body - it all depends on its composition. The most difficult runs hangover after drinking beverages such as cognac, brandy, whiskey and various sparkling wines. Severe headache cause red wine - because it contained tyramine. Scientists have proved that dark colored spirits, such as bourbon, cause more severe hangovers than lighter. For example, after the hangover whiskey is stronger than after vodka (in terms of an equal amount of alcohol consumed). The reason is that there is more than whiskey fusel oils and other additives which cause a terrible hangover.

Unfortunately, the producers of vodka is also not "averse" to add to your product substances which improve its taste and flavor, but the hangover after them very strong. Doctors are advised to monitor the composition of vodka as if it has a softening sugar - from this drink should be abandoned, because it only exacerbates the detrimental effect. Also, many brands to mitigate vodka added to glycerin . But, unfortunately, it only reinforces the dehydrating effect of the drink on the body than is the hangover. Different "tasty" supplements often mask poor quality alcohol, but it does not add to our health.

No less harmful to the body in the presence of alcohol, zinc and other metals that manufacturers use to sweeten the drink. For example, if you see yourself in such classic symptoms of a hangover include headache, chills, impaired kidney and liver function - most likely through drinking alcohol was a surplus of copper.

Scientists recommend that to avoid a hangover, when choosing the best alcohol preference not fashionable foreign drinks and vodka. But more importantly, to choose those brands that practically no additives, and as a softener used honey instead of sugar. The fact that the main cause of hangover are toxic acetaldehyde, alcohol which dissolves in the body. A honey contains fructose, converting these pollutants in acetic acid , which in turn, easily recycled during metabolism.

Choosing alcohol for the festive table - always read the label. Recommend to prefer vodka that purified by classical technology - without the use of additives. Then in the morning the body is bound to say thank you, but about the hangover you forget and think. Only this product can really be called vodka.


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