Get Fitter, Get Lighter: 10 Ways to Make Weight Loss Easier at Home

Losing weight especially more than 5-10 pounds is always been a challenge for many of us. To achieve their weight loss target very often, people switch over to the specific diet plans. At times, these diet plans are not only difficult to follow but also detrimental to health as it suddenly affects the metabolic rate.

So here are some tips that will assist you to lose weight easily at the convenience of your home.

1. Never Miss a Breakfast
Researchers have pointed out that eating breakfast triggers the metabolism, and hence more energy is burnt out for the same activities. Definitely calories are taken in with breakfast but if calculated otherwise it aids in spreading out your hunger and removes the urge to overeat. The ideal breakfast must consist of whole grain cereal, low fat milk, a fruit and some yogurt.

2. Don't Skip Meals
Here, also we must point out that it is never healthy to leave gaps more than five hours in between meals. Rather doctors suggest that you eat a healthy snack or fruit in between lunch and dinner. Lunch must comprise of whole grain vegetables and rich sources of protein, but dinner must be quite light.

3. Exercise Regularly
This isn't as painful as most of the people think and just thirty minutes of activity like walking, swimming, cycling is good enough. Nowadays, you can even use a step counter on your smartphones or tablets to track your steps and to see the calories burnt. Playing football with your son is also a great exercise and for this you might employ a fitness tracker or pedometer. Equipment like Fitbug Orb- the ultimate movement and sleep tracker can be easily purchased from the market that can help you as a digital weight loss coach at home. More information can be found on

4. Take Smaller Servings
Decrease your serving sizes and make it a point to eat in a smaller size plate (not more than 7-inch across) in which there must be a bowl of soup, salad and the rest of the plate for other dishes. Food like soups, cucumber, watermelon and salads, make you feel satisfied without stuffing in your calories!

5. Eat Pistachios
Eating unshelled pistachios are a curious suggestion! All of us know that just 49 pistachios give you 157 calories, but then how will this work! Eat unshelled pistachios because the act of removing the shell slows down the process of eating, and you are under the illusion of eating lots seeing the removed shells!

6. Do the Common Household Work
Just indulging in daily chores like mopping the floor and cleaning the car are good ways to tone up your body. Walking instead of using the car and running instead of walking can hasten up the process of burning calories. Try this while you visit the nearby store next time!

7. Detox
A good detox regime is like spring cleaning. It detoxifies your body and cleanses it so that equilibrium may be reached soon. Trying a fruit juice fasting or a vegetable soup fasting is good for the body. While following this diet regime, one must drink plenty of water. One must drink at least half the body weight in ounces.

8. Include Different Fruits
While snacking on small amounts of fruits try to have as many colored fruits as possible on your platter. Not only will you be getting various kinds of nutrition but also avoid getting bored.

9. Eat Heavy Food First
Eating heavy food first makes you feel satisfied easily and make you eat less. Try meat, sprouts and soups first, and then move on to pasta and vegetables.

10. Eat Slowly
Research shows that it takes twenty minutes for the stomach to give you the signal of fullness. So slow down, chew your food for twenty times and you will be eating less.


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