Doctors say what people can not lose weight

Proper nutrition may not produce the desired result, and this has nothing to do about it.

This statement was made by scientists from Argentina and the United States, which conducted joint studies on laboratory.

Experts from the University of Michigan and the National Council of Science and Technology found that the longer not take care of yourself, the less effect will diet and exercise. Over time, the excess weight is regarded as the norm by the body, so it becomes more difficult to get rid of.

Obesity affects almost all the vital organs and systems. Fat people are 3-4 times more likely to develop diabetes, the risk of liver damage and cardiovascular systems they increased by 2 times, breathing problems, more likely to develop dementia, etc. "If raspolnev, rodents soon not lose weight, they have changed the internal rate rules after which the animal becomes much harder to find the old forms. We assume that people are experiencing the same difficulties. They starved yourself diets, play sports, but almost all these actions do not bring visible results. And all because I had an early start to be engaged, "- explained the researchers. However, according to them, turn the fight against excess weight in their favor can still be.

Experts observed the rats of different age groups. Experts noted that newborn rodents taken from plump mothers did not need to limit in the diet and physical activity to torture. Growing up away from their family complete, the animals maintained normal weight naturally.


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