Foods that cause constipation

If you are familiar with the problems of constipation , you should pay attention to your diet. The most common and favorite foods can cause problems with emptying.


Favorite all delicacy not only improves mood, but can lead to weight gain and impaired bowel function. Scientists believe that large amounts of fat in chocolate slows down the digestive process. Slowing peristalsis leads to problems with emptying, fermented foods and excessive gassing. In the German study, surveys were conducted among persons suffering from constipation. And the most common reason to call them patients reported consumption of chocolate.

Dairy produce

Dairy products such as milk and cheese in large quantities may cause constipation. Included with all dairy products lactose increases flatulence, which leads to disruption of the bowel. Iranian physicians in the survey of children aged 1 to 13 years found that the most common cause of constipation was consumption of dairy products. With the exclusion from the diet of milk and cheese, almost all children (80%), normalized stool and stopped bothering flatulence and bloating.

Green bananas

Unripe green bananas cause constipation, ripe act as a laxative. In green bananas a lot of starch, which is harder to digest, this process takes longer. A yellow bananas, conversely, less starch but more useful pectin. It outputs the excess fluid from the tissues, but if you drink enough water, it can adversely affect the functioning of the bowels and make your situation worse.


Caffeine acts on the gastrointestinal tract as well as bananas. Caffeine is a natural stimulant, and intestinal peristalsis increases. But if the cells of your body is dehydrated, the effects of caffeine is regarded as negative. It is fraught with the development of constipation and many other related health problems.


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