Treatment of vaginismus

What to do? How not to end up in divorce family life? Treatment of vaginismus requires perseverance and patience, often - the participation of some experts - a gynecologist , psychotherapist, sexologist. The main method of treatment is psychotherapy, as well as autogenous training, aimed at eliminating the fear of sexual intercourse and related involuntary muscle contractions and information thighs.

A woman needs to check with a doctor if she experiences pain during intercourse or even just thinking about it. It should be frank in discussing the issue, the more complete picture has been developed by a doctor, the more effective the treatment will be. Do not need to be ashamed - because for the doctor to examine the complaints of patients - a normal job. Women suffering from vaginismus, as a rule, are very afraid of the gynecological examination, for the same reasons that the fear of sexual intercourse.

Often, women with vaginismus, avoid any intimate touching and caressing by a partner for fear that they will end in sex, so sometimes simply The Touch of each other is enough to gradually move towards full sexual relations. Do not be silent - on the contrary, discuss with your partner all the problems in the intimate area.

Provoke a woman can be a word or a spasm of physical brutality. How to behave man? First of all, understand that the woman does not do it on purpose, she does not own them. It is necessary for a while to stop any attempts to normal sexual intercourse. And be sure to support his wife in her decision to see a specialist - sexologist , gynecologist or family therapist. This will help to quickly establish normal sexual relationship. Nothing is impossible, the main time to seek help from a doctor.


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