How to have an orgasm?

First, the important anatomical capabilities man and his ability to hold his ejaculation until it reaches the female orgasm. Over time, we can calculate the approximate time to reach orgasm partner and train restrain themselves up to this point, at the same time using the fastest ways to warm up and bring your partner to this condition, which can also be found gradually, in the course of intimacy.

Second, the need to search for the most appropriate posture, in which the female partner is more likely to reach orgasm, and a partner - to be able to restrain himself until the right moment.

If a man needs more time to get to the finish line, then the pair together we must find ways to "warm up" before the merger, so that by the time a woman's orgasm, he was also ready. Although in most cases it is easier to control the onset of male orgasm, not female. Therefore, there is a set of recommendations on how to keep the man himself until orgasm and how their partner an orgasm at the same time.

For example, this contributes to pressure on a special point, which is located at the man in the area between the anus and the scrotum, or pulling down the scrotum. You can also learn how to reduce pubococcygeal muscle, and this reduction is similar to urinary retention. However, this method requires a preliminary daily workout.

Also, it is important not to rush the man to an orgasm, and be able to move at different speeds and intensities, to know the most sensitive parts of a woman's body that accelerate the onset of her orgasm, and be able to influence them. That is, the approach to the creative process and with imagination.

On the physiology of the more or less clear but, alas, it is closely linked to psychology. That is the same as the partners trust each other as they do to each other are, know how to give to sex and love, or just eager to take, how well are able to relax.

But perhaps the most important is that the partners expect the onset of such a joint orgasm or they just well together and they enjoy is the fact that they love each other emotionally and physically. Hence, the simplest recommendation - do not set a goal necessarily reach simultaneous orgasm, as orgasm at all. If that happens, then let happen naturally.


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