Senior risk of depression

Predisposition to depression is observed not less than 10% of the world population. One of the varieties of this mental disorder is called reactive depression.

According to Japanese researchers Kyoto School of Public Health, lead to the emergence of long-term depression dramatic experiences and strain the brain. Doctors said that the most at risk of reactive depression are people too responsibly related to their work.

Causes of Depression

Obsession with inflated meet the requirements of the authorities leads to chronic fatigue. It is manifested by headaches, difficulty falling asleep and wake-sleep. The need for a long time to tightly control our behavior and inhibit natural emotions inhibits the formation of endorphins, hormones of pleasure. As a result, a person is constantly depressed and gradually loses the ability to feel the joy of life.

Salvation from depression

Reactive depression - a temporary mental disorder, from which one can escape without medication. You will need:

- Except for career growth, and find other priorities in life. Help cure love, children, close friends, interesting hobby;

- At the end of the day completely switch to thinking about the family and about the rest;

- To give the brain a good rest: sleep at least 6 hours a day;

- Watching television and the Internet to prefer walking on air, and sports.

Useful and auditory training sessions with a psychologist to improve their own self-esteem. It is very important as often as possible truly to smile at her reflection in the mirror, colleagues, and random passers-by fellow travelers in transport customers. Confident worker with a welcoming smile can make a career is not worse than too responsible. However, he will not develop depression.


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