Tablet Vs. iPad - Which Features Are Best For Your Needs?

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There was a time when Apple's iPad was the only option for a portable tablet device for on-the-go computing; however, now that the market is full of options, how do you decide between the Apple product and the others? The answer lies in how you plan on using the tablet. Is hardware more important? Apps? Here are some factors to consider when you're trying to pick a tablet:

1) Storage

While iPads come with more storage space to start with (16 GB), you cannot easily add storage space with memory cards. iPads are not compatible with micro SD cards and jump drives, so once you've reached the max storage space, there's not much you can do to expand (other than cloud options). Android tablets, on the other hand, are offered in a variety of hardware that have much larger storage options and better compatibility.

2) Camera

Androids were the first to enter this category with a camera; now, many offer cameras in the back (on average 5MP) and the front (on average 2 MP) to allow for video chatting. iPad added a front and back camera in their second iteration, and it was a comparatively low quality: 1.2 MP (front on fourth generation, previous versions were at 0.3 MP) and back cameras (0.7 MP for second generation, 5 MP for third and fourth generation).

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3) Interface

When it comes to touch screen interfaces and video resolution, Android-based tablets have the upper hand on iPads as Androids have more pixels per inch than the iPad (though not necessarily noticeable to the average user). Androids often use plastic backing, which makes for a lighter product, though cheaper-feeling than the iPad's metal body.

4) Upgradeability

Androids beat out iPads in user upgrades with more than just memory, but also in all other areas of connecting to other devices. What you get with standard Apple iPads is generally the extent to its features. Androids support USB connectors, memory cards, video-output jacks and speakers, making it a more versatile product.

5) Battery life

Here's an area where iPad seems to surpass the Android tablets. Most reviewers are reporting that iPads run longer (averaging about 10 hours) without recharging than other tablets.

5) Apps

In the key area of apps, the iPad is still way ahead of Android. With developers still more interested in developing applications for Apple products than Android products, and with Apple's extensive existing library of apps, iPad has many more options than Android tablets.

In addition, Apple only allows apps to be sold through its App Store, which means that there are vetted prior to going on sale. While this restricts some developers, in general it means that the iPad is less likely to be exposed to malware and other apps created to hack the device.

6) Price

As the Android platform is open-source, the companies that use Android can vary in the materials they use for the tablets the build and as such, the price fluctuates; however, even the most expensive tablets are generally $100 to $200 less than the entry version of an iPad.

If hardware specs and upgradeability is more important, then Android tablets are more likely to suit your need. On the other hand, if apps are the key reason you're investing in a device, the iPad still beats out Androids in options. Ultimately, choosing a tablet device depends on your need and area of interest.

Marcela De Vivo is a marketing professional from the Los Angeles area whose writing covers technology reviews, search engine optimization and business management. She personally enjoys using Apple products for her own business; however, she also finds that Androids have advantages as well.


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