Symptoms of Allergy in Babies and their prevention

When you see your baby sniffle and is unable to have sound sleep at night and remains irritated throughout the day, it could be because of allergy. Initially the symptoms of baby's allergy are not grave so it becomes difficult for us to identify them but with time the symptoms aggravate so much that in some case hospitalization become mandatory.

Food Allergy is very common

When the baby starts taking solid food parents are excited about it. When babies are fed with solid food, parents have lots many questions to ask. They are bothered to know which food would be best for them, how it is possible to avoid food allergies in babies or how to identify the symptoms of allergies in babies.

If the baby is given three new foods over the entire day and the baby develops allergy towards the food then it becomes difficult for the parents to identify which food has caused the allergy. The order of introduction of new foods is not important as long as they are healthy and offer the required nutrients to the body. After introducing a new food to the baby, the parents should wait for three-four days to check out if there is any allergic symptoms gets provoked by this food item or not.

The foods provoking allergy and the symptoms

The foods that provoke allergy in babies are milk, egg, peanuts, fish, soy, wheat, shellfish and tree nuts e.g. walnuts or almonds.

Generally the symptoms of food allergy appear immediately after the food is eaten. The symptoms may appear within few minutes of consuming the food or it could even come after hours of consuming the food. The general symptoms of allergy are:
  • Rash on skin or skin getting red
  • Swelling of face, tongue or lip
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Coughing
  • Wheezing
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Watery eyes
  • sneezing
If the symptoms has got severe symptoms of allergy then the medical help must be taken immediately as in some cases, the allergy may become fatal.

Best Treatment

If the allergen is known then it is easy to prevent the allergy in children. Many babies get allergic if pets are kept at home. It is better to avoid keeping pets at home. For immediate relief from the allergic symptoms, medications are the immediate requirement. Doctors prescribe epinephrine if the child suffers with life threatening and severe allergy. If the child suffers with severe allergy then the caregivers must have knowledge about it and as and when required immediate medical help is to be asked for.

Author's Bio:
Kathryn is the author for Chrisalexcorp. She also writes for a website
where you can buy silver jewelry.


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