About Cancer

What is Cancer

Cancer is medically known as malignant neoplasm and is caused due to uncontrollably division and growth of cells. Cancer can be characterized in more than 100 different types, that includes lung cancer, breast cancer, blood cancer, skin cancer, prostate cancer and many more. Cancer starts harming the body when damaged cells starts dividing uncontrollably to form lumps which are also called tumors. These tumors grow and interfere in various other systems of the body like nervous system, digestive system and releases hormones that changes your body system. Normally cells follow a systematic path to grow, divide and die however when cell stops following the path then that leads to hormonal changes to your body and causes cancer.

Its main causes

To determine the reason of causing cancer can be very difficult. Different type of cancer has a different cause behind it. A few popular cancer are prostate cancer, lung cancer which has spread all across world. The article will be too short to discuss the causes for all types of cancer. For example, Lung cancer causes mainly because of tobacco and smoking which has proved highly injurious for health. Some types of cancer run in certain families, the genes inherit from their parents, but this is a seldom case. In US, Obesity is a major reason of causing cancer. Due to excess body weight, many types of cancer takes place that has led to death in past.


The cancer symptoms depends where the cancer is and how and which part of your body is getting affected with it. The popular symptoms of cancer caused are: fever, extreme tiredness or weight loss. This happens because cells start using the energy supplied from food. Some cancers reflects lumps on breasts or on other parts of body that indicates the cancer for that part. Skin cancer is indicated by moles or spots on skin. Symptoms are visible as the tumor grows. Since the disease consumes most of the body energy, so the person might suffer from fever, anemia, fatigue, excessive weight loss, hair loss etc. There are various other symptoms of cancer that shows other changes in your body part. The active response would be to consult doctor as soon as you feel these changes.


Cancer treatment depends upon the type of cancer and its criticality which is defined by stage, age, health and other characteristics. There is a series of treatment or a combination of therapies, that the patient has to go through. The therapies are classified as: surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, or gene therapy. This is the treatment procedure, however prevention is the first step before treatment. You should always make sure that you follow some basic rules to prevent from cancer. Some of them are: Say no to tobacco, smoking and frequently consuming alcohol,it will save you from mouth cancer, lung cancer etc.

To avoid skin cancer stay in shade, protect yourself from direct sunlight, you can use sunscreen and also take special care of diet. Eat healthy and fresh, drink vegetable and fruit juices.

There are various precautions for all types of cancers. All that we need to do is be cautious and aware about any changes occurring to our body. Discuss the treatment procedure with specialized doctor to overcome at an early stage.


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