5 Weight Lifting Routines to Build Muscle

Building muscle mass is not as easy as 1-2-3. Diet plays an important role in order to build muscles by increasing calorie intake and getting enough protein and fat. Aside from this, doing the right weight training exercises can give you the amount of muscles in the right places. Although building muscles does not happen overnight, by executing these weight lifting routines, you can immediately get the results you wanted. One of the most highly acclaimed home weight training programs is Beachbody's Body Beast. If you'd rather exercise from home check it out.

Warm Up

Warming up is very important before starting any exercise routines. It can help burn calories even without starting the exercise proper itself and at the same time, prevent injuries. It also brings the body into a condition where it can quickly respond to action as it prepares the muscles and activate the energy system of the body.

Gain that chest muscles

Bench press is the proven and most dependable technique in gaining chest muscle. Lift weights you can handle in 3 sets with 10 repetitions. The other way to do is to elevate the bench at least 40 degrees. This may be difficult than the ordinary bench press so lesser weights must be used. If you are not comfortable with weights, doing push-ups is also an effective chest exercise.


When focusing on your biceps, arm curls with dumbbells or using a weighted bar is the most effective way to develop those arm muscles. Pull ups can also be another way of developing biceps. Using a horizontal bar, lift your chin up to the bar by using your arms for 2 sets with 8 repetitions.


The most effective way to develop your triceps is by doing dips. You can do this by placing your hand at shoulder-width with your body stretched out. Then bend the elbows and lower body down until your butt nearly touches the floor. If you have an access to a dip machine, then chest dip may also be done.

Focus on quads and hamstring

In order to build muscles on your legs, doing some squats is the best exercise. Standard squats can be performed using a weighted bar. The bar should fit comfortably between your shoulder blades with your knees slightly bent. Lift the bar up and move backwards with one step with your legs slightly wider than the shoulder length.

Front squats can also be done by positioning the bar in front of your shoulders. Keep your back straight as you bend your legs into a squat while your hips are under the bar. If you don't want to utilize the weighted bar in building your leg muscles, you can do some Belgian squats using a dumbbell. By holding out a dumbbell in front of your chest, lift your right leg back so that it's parallel to the floor then bend into a squat using the left leg making the right knee almost hitting the floor.

In order to gain more muscles in your body, gradually increase the amount of weight you're lifting and at the same time limit the cardio workout. Through this, you will be able to develop and build the muscles you wanted in your body.

Author Bio:
Milton Perret is a content specialist for AllWorkoutRoutines.com. Through All Workout Routines website, he provides informative articles on workout plans, cardio exercise routines and home workout videos.


  1. Just went to an art show at ccs in detroit and saw amazingly awesome stuff. among the Alex infinitum of talent, there were a lot of riveting anatomy drawings. inspiration for this piece.

  2. Many people want perfect muscles mass, but it is not an easy task for all. Those who want to do it fast they need to do proper exercise. You can do exercise such as squats, bench pressing etc if you are not already muscular. With this you can get more muscles at a fast rate. You can lift heavy weight with your partners. You need calories for building your muscles and for this you need to avoid cardio exercise. Supplement can also be used to get lean muscles. My brother also want to gain muscles mass and for that he has taken Usp Labs test powder dietary supplement for improved body composition and getting lean muscles.


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