4 Health and Wellness Tips for Tattoo Artists

Tattoos are extremely popular these days. People are getting new tattoos all the time. But it can also mean more health issues and concerns if the tattoo artist fails to follow proper safety techniques. Not only do people need to learn the healthiest treatment for new tattoos, but so do tattoo artists. The tattoo artists need to make sure they engage in safe and proper techniques to prevent contamination and diseases.

Here are 4 Health and Wellness Tips for Tattoo Artists that provide safe and natural methods that can be used effectively and speed up the healing process.

Tattoo equipment
After you've opened your tattoo business and have everything in place, one of the most important things to remember and to do is to clean your tattoo machines thoroughly. To prevent contamination and diseases, tattoo equipment must be kept clean to prevent contamination and the spread of diseases. Infected machines or needles can cause serious, and even deadly, diseases such as Hepatitis.

Never reuse needles. It doesn't matter if you use an autoclave. The autoclave may not completely clean the needle each time, and you can never be certain that it will. It is illegal to reuse needles in most states across the country as this is the main way diseases and contamination is spread. Don't put the public, your customers or your business at risk by engaging in sloppy unclean tactics. When you throw away needles throw them away in a large container.

Use gloves when throwing away the needles. Disassemble the tube, tip and grip from the tattoo machine. Wash the tips and grips with warm water and soap. Separate the sterilizer bags, using one for needles and the other for the tubs and tips. Put one autoclave tray in one bag. Put the sterilizer bag on a tray and turn on the autoclave. The autoclave will then sterilize the tips and grips.

Biohazard materials
Because of all the waste products, including needles and tubes, tattoo artists are exposed to biohazardous materials often. Paper towels, ink, blood, water, and even the equipment itself is all considered biohazardous waste. Be sure to place all items in marked containers for proper disposal. Be sure never to lay these items down where somebody, including you, might be exposed to it or stuck with a needle.
Be sure to thoroughly clean tubes, tattoo equipment, and other materials used each day. Don't reuse needles; properly throw them away in specialized containers. Since these items are all biohazardous materials or waste, you will need to properly dispose of them. Find out where biohazardous waste is to be deposited in your city.

Keep everything secure
Don't let children linger around in your shop. Children should not be allowed in a tattoo shop since these materials can be easily found and obtained. Make sure containers with disposed items are securely closed and/or locked at all times.

One of the most common risks to tattoo artist is the transmission of various blood diseases such as HIV, AIDS, and Hepatitis. All three of these diseases can be fatal so you want to make sure to avoid contact with your customer's blood. That means you need to wear gloves at all times, and other coverings to protect your body from exposure of blood spattering. Be careful using needles and dispose of needles and other items that might contain blood on them.

Erika Cox has written several career-related articles for various websites for more than seven years. She has worked as an Administrative Assistant for more than 15 years. She loves to travel and write. For more information concerning safety issues for tattoo artists, read Tattools website for reference.


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