Vision and Eye Complications during Diabetes

Diabetes is one severe metabolic disorder which is diagnosed among millions of people all over the world. Diabetes has resulted into many additional complications and few of them are even life threatening if it is not treated at the right time. Vision and eye complications are few major problems observed in many diabetic patients. In severe cases, diabetes quite often leads to the blindness of the individual. Many major diseases like diabetic retinopathy is one severe eye disorder diagnosed in the case of diabetes. Similarly, many other risks related to the vision and eye is reported by the medical professionals. This specific article is mainly focused on highlighting some major eye or vision problems occur in diabetes condition.

Major eye complications during diabetes

Many eye problems have been diagnosed in people who have got diabetes problem. Some of the major ones are described below:
  • Glaucoma: This specific disease includes the development of high pressure inside the eye which further damages the optic nerve in a major way. It also leads to the appearance of blind spots in later stage of this disease. It is to be noted that no significant symptom or sign is really observed in the case of glaucoma until there is no any major nerve damage or blindness is felt by the patient.
  • Cataract: It is one of the common eye disorders being noticed among many diabetic patients. The symptoms of cataract also occur by the age. It basically includes the formation of clouds over the natural lens of the eyes. As a result, it further leads to the case of blurred vision of the patient. People with diabetes are more prone to develop this specific disorder at very earlier stage of their lives.
  • Retinopathy: It is considered to be one of the most serious eye complications faced by the diabetic patients. During retinopathy, the blood vessels that go to the retina actually get ruptured and start leaking blood in the eye portion. On the other side, blood vessels also do get blocked in few of the cases.
  • Macula edema: Swelling in macula is one common eye problem observed in most of the diabetic patients. This specific eye problem is mostly occurred in those patients who have been already diagnosed with retinopathy. It severely affects the retina portion of the eye and quote often leads to permanent loss of vision in the patient.
  • Dry eye: Diabetic patients mostly complained about the dryness of their eyes. This is because diabetes results into the lesser production of tears which ultimately dries up the surface of the eye. It also leads to a severe itchiness and burning sensation in the eyes.
It has been proven that diabetic people have got maximum risks to catch eye complications. Therefore, it is important to follow few effective ways that can actually help to lower your risk of diabetes. At the same time, the earlier diagnosis and treatment of disease and greatly help in lowering the risk of losing eye sight during diseases like diabetes.


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