Infrared Saunas: All You Need To Know

Surely many of us would have attended several sauna sessions to relieve tension and relax muscles. It is very likely that people think that there is only one kind of sauna, which is not correct anymore. Over the years the tradition of sauna baths was evolved to develop several sauna techniques that we know today and a clear example is the infrared saunas.

Principles of Infrared Saunas

In the cabin, the stove is replaced by infrared heaters installed at strategic locations. They act by radiation, like the Sun, but without the emissions of ultraviolet radiations. While traditional sauna heats the air, in infrared sauna 80% of the thermal radiation penetrates deep into the tissue of the skin. An infrared cabin broadcasts heat evenly. By nature, a traditional sauna is characterized by large temperature differences from the floor to the ceiling. The benefits of infrared sauna: Body infrared therapy is being used by physiotherapists worldwide because the healing ability of infrared rays is well known on our body. The mechanism of action of infrared rays is called "resonant absorption". This means that the rays are absorbed by tissues selectively causing their mild improvement. Once this is achieved, further radiations are not absorbed and therefore no prejudice occurs on the system.

Here are a few specific benefits of Infrared Saunas:

Infrared heat causes 3-6 times greater sweat than traditional sauna. Due to the strong perspiration, skin breathes better and blood circulation is improved. Tense muscles get rid of their toxins and soften. Infrared saunas are known to burn fat. With an ambient temperature of around 40 ° C, it is beneficial for cardiovascular system and is more bearable to people sensitive to hot weather.

Proponents of infrared also rely on medical research to highlight its effectiveness against skin diseases like eczema, psoriasis, hives etc. From the economic point of view, infrared cabins sell 10 to 15% cheaper than the classic versions. From the consumption side, the difference is more evident with electric power capped at 3 kW for cabins for family use.

Medical researchers and practitioners from all backgrounds; German, Chinese, Finnish and Japanese have been studying the therapeutic effects of infrared heat. Whether it is the treatment of pain, joint diseases or inflammatory rheumatic, the results are clearly in favor of the infrared.

Installation of Infrared Saunas

The installation of infrared saunas is simple and requires no special electrical installation. The minimum area required is one square meter and an outlet of 220 V. The power consumption of this accessory is very low and it takes between 5 and 10 minutes to heat the place to the desired temperature. The sale of infrared saunas is today an unprecedented phenomenon for a simple reason, the health benefits. Infrared saunas are great ways to burn calories and control weight. In cases of obesity and cellulite, infrared heat is a powerful ally for disposal of fat. The use of infrared saunas increases the heart rate and cardiac output, increases metabolism, reduces diastolic pressure and the body achieves better cardiovascular fitness. The sale of infrared saunas has grown around the world when it revealed its therapeutic effects. The infrared sauna is taken as "the future of sauna" today and its applications are developing dramatically. Healing effects are achieved with traditional sauna also, but not of the order of an infrared sauna.

By Annie Dodson


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