Health Benefits from Hot Tub

Hot tubs are used for both pleasures as well as hydrotherapy purposes. They have shown positive results in the treatment for various chronic diseases like body aches, diabetes, etc. As a result, this is gradually becoming a popular means of therapy. Hot tubs are generally kept outdoors and the principles of sanitation used in swimming pools are used here also.

Stress relief

Most people these days suffer from a lot of stress and anxiety. Various factors including office pressure, academics, family life, etc. are the major reasons for the rampant stress and stress related disorders afflicting modern society. Insomnia is a direct effect of stress. Hot tubs can be effective in relieving stress and tension. The massaging jets are so relaxing that one can fall asleep quite soon. Reports suggest that relaxing in hot tubs for 15 minutes every night can improve sleep.

Muscle relaxation

Hydrotherapy can be useful for treating stressed muscles and nerves. In fact, the hot tub jets massage the body and relieve it from pressure. Because of the property of buoyancy, a relaxing time spent in a hot tub can make one feel much lighter and as a result, the joints are relieved of pain. Arthritis has a potential cure in hydrotherapy because of the reduction in muscle stiffness.

Blood circulation

Bathing in hot tubs can have enormous benefits in improving blood circulation. The high temperature in these tubs is important in opening the blood vessels. This process of vasodilation helps to decrease the blood pressure. Because of the dilated blood vessels, there is an ease of blood flow. This helps to stimulate the nerves of the circulatory system. This acts as a boost to the immune system of the body. However, patients suffering from blood pressure need to consult their doctors before taking to hydrotherapy. Also, alcohol needs to be avoided while switching from hot to cold water.

Help in Diabetes

Recent research has shown bathing in hot tubs can be very useful for patients suffering from type 2 diabetes. Soaking in the hot water for almost 30 minutes a day can be effective in losing weight, reducing blood sugar, and improving sleep cycle in people. For those who are unable to exercise regularly, hot water therapy seems to be a viable alternative. However, diabetic patients need to be cautious while undergoing therapy. As the drop in blood sugar is not clearly visible once inside the water, they must be careful while coming out of the tub. Also, the temperature needs to be controlled so that they do not get burns due to damaged nerves.

Hot tubs have a lot of health benefits. It is because of these benefits that many people are switching to this therapy for alleviating body pains and discomfort.

About the author

Grace Beckett is a blogging enthusiast and likes to write about health and lifestyle. For more information on custom pools Toronto, Ontario, Canada contact a swimming pool specialist at Bonavista Pools.


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