Stress during pregnancy is good for the child?

Moderate stress experienced by the future mother during pregnancy does not cause harm to the child, and even contributes to its rapid development in the first years of life, U.S. scientists believe.

In a study conducted by researchers from the University of Hopkins involved 137 women have not experienced any specific problems in pregnancy. psychological state of participants was monitored during the last 6 weeks of pregnancy. Health surveillance and the level of development of the children went on for two years after their birth.

The objective of the study was to identify a possible link between stress experienced by the mother during the last period of pregnancy and developmental defects, growth retardation, and behavioral problems in their children. However, contrary to expectations, the data obtained by scientists talking about just the opposite trend : the children born to women who often is experiencing stress during pregnancy, developed faster and were generally healthier than children of women whose pregnancies proceeded in a relatively peaceful environment.

Scientists are now offering two versions of the possible explanations of the observed phenomenon . According to the first version, the link between stress, which is experiencing the mother during pregnancy, and more successful development of the child after birth may be due to beneficial effects on the developing fetus hormone cortisol released by the mother's body during times of stress . "Cortisol is a stress hormone, has a bad reputation, but all the organs of the human body needs it to develop in the right direction, - says the coordinator of the research project, Professor Janet Dipierto - Maybe this hormone can stimulate the development of the internal organs of the child before birth."

On the other hand , the observed pattern can be explained by scientists personal characteristics and lifestyle of women who participated in the study. The majority of women complaining of stress, led an active life, do not suffer depression and have never asked for help from psychiatrists. It is possible that these women are also increasingly concerned to raise children and care for them, and this is due to their more rapid development, suggests Professor Dipierto.

Scientists were surprised surprising results of his research. According to Janet Dipierto, expectant mothers can finally breathe a sigh of relief and get rid of the additional fears about once endured stressful situations. "Avoid the stress should not because it is bad for the child, but because it is harmful to yourself," - she said.


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