Signs of Pregnancy

In the life of every woman at least once had a situation where she asked: "And I'm not pregnant?" The presence of certain signs suggest the probability of a possible addition of the family.

Some women have this hypersensitivity that almost from the moment of conception, are aware of pregnancy. But often times when the future mother learns of his "family way" when the baby starts to move.

So, the following signs of pregnancy:

Lack of regular menstruation. most common, although not completely reliable sign. Often fail menstrual cycle caused by hormonal changes or various diseases. After birth, the restoration of the cycle takes some time. Nursing mothers month absence, which may render them unkind service.

A positive pregnancy test. tests now sold in almost any pharmacy. Using them is easy. You can know the result on the day the alleged period. But ... Sometimes the tests give false results. This can happen if the test was expired, or used incorrectly. Influence the "picture" can some gynecological diseases or hormonal drugs. Because the test results in any case not absolute indicator of the presence or absence of pregnancy.

Tenderness and breast enlargement. Many women on the eve of pregnancy breasts become especially sensitive and increases in size. But if pregnancy occurs the pain is particularly strong, and can be released from the nipple cloudy liquid (colostrum).

Hypersensitive to smells. favorite perfume may suddenly disgusting, the smell of food being prepared can cause nausea and even vomiting, and ride public transportation can become a torture because of the increased "vonyuchesti" passengers.

Morning sickness. This symptom is quite different. Most often manifested toxemia from 7 weeks of pregnancy, but sometimes nausea can annoy and at earlier stages.

Changing eating habits. Increased appetite and absorption of food in incredible combinations, aversion to favorite foods, eating chalk and sand - also one of the possible signs of pregnancy.

Mood changes, irritability, tearfulness. Some women notice this sign of pregnancy as the first. Again, only this character can not be considered reliable. Women are prone to premenstrual syndrome, experience mood swings before each cycle.

Frequent urination. Many women suffer from it as one of the first signs of pregnancy. However, these symptoms may occur in diseases of the urinary tract or bladder compression of the tumor due to diseases of the internal organs.

Drowsiness, fatigue. early pregnancy often complain of fatigue inhuman, placed them on the bed almost half a day. Again, as an independent symptom she can not testify about the "family way."

Make clearly defining the question, "is pregnant or not pregnant" can only visit to the antenatal clinic. Elementary inspection gynecologist can give almost complete answer. Even at 7-day delay in the U.S. can see the presence of the ovum in the uterus. Visit a gynecologist for suspected pregnancy makes sense, if only because, unfortunately, terrible pathology - ectopic pregnancy - has the same symptoms as normal.


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