Good sleep will save from diabetes

U.S. researchers have found that a 7-hour night's sleep can prevent the development of diabetes in adolescents.

What is diabetes
Diabetes - a disease in which there is a persistent increase in the level of glucose in the blood. Distinguish type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. With type 1 diabetes is a destruction of the pancreatic cells, which produce insulin . Insulin is needed by the body to lower blood glucose. The remaining cells of the pancreas can not meet the body's need for insulin, so most of the glucose does not enter the cells, and stays in the blood.

With type 2 diabetes, pancreatic cells do not suffer, and the body is enough insulin. However, the cells lose their sensitivity to insulin - is developing the so-called insulin resistance . If we imagine that insulin - is a key that opens the cell for glucose, insulin resistance is at a key does not fit the lock and can not open the cage. As a result, glucose does not enter the cells, and stays in the blood.

The essence of the study
The study involved 245 healthy students. Average duration of a night's sleep during the week was 6.4 hours, and during the week of sleep was significantly less than the weekend.

The less sleep a student, the more pronounced was insulin resistance. As researchers found, the extra hour of sleep for teens who usually sleep at 6:00, will reduce insulin resistance by 9%. Since insulin resistance leads to diabetes, the more sleep to prevent the disease.


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