Why Take First Aid at Work Courses?

If you run a smaller business you might be reluctant to invest in things like first aid at work courses, and might struggle to reconcile the cost of the course with the potential benefits. This is because many of the benefits associated with workplace first aid aren't directly financial, and are more to do with employee health and safety, employee esteem and even efficiency.

On the one hand there is a legal requirement for first aid in the workplace. This covers access to health and safety equipment, e.g. a first aid box, and ensuring that staff are suitably trained in the use of equipment. Accidents happen in all kinds of businesses, from workshops to retail outlets, so first aid is a universal need.

However, first aid is clearly more important in some industries and businesses than others. So, the nature of the course will vary depending on the requirement for first aid. In many businesses, basic first aid will suffice, and will considerably improve the overall health and safety of the working environment.

There are additional benefits to taking health and safety courses. Businesses that offer their employees things like first aid training are showing themselves to be more inclusive and tend to enjoy better relationships with their workforce. This effect is hard to quantify, however it's clear that a more involved workforce will be happier and more productive.

Bio: This guest blog post is written by Webmaster of elas.uk.com, offering First aid at work courses and employment law services!

By: Paul Evans


  1. First aid is so important especially in school and work places. I realized this when I was still a young grade school student. As little tots, we often bruise and even bruise ourselves in strenuous activities such as play and industrial arts activities.


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