Throwing a Star Trek Party

Star Trek isn't everyone's cup of tea. However, there are millions of people who adore Star Trek. It's something that spans generations, can be cerebral, exciting and even "cool." Whatever you thought of the latest incarnation of the franchise, it did bring the Star Trek even more into the mainstream, and made it much more acceptable to throw a star trek party!

Star Trek parties are great because there are all sorts of Star Trek props and products out there. It's never been easier to furnish your home with a wide range of Star Trek related goodies. Whether it's a mock up of the holodeck or a couple of fasers dotted around the room.

Star Trek has inspired lots of music over time. William Shatner leant his voice (ahem) to various covers of some classic tracks, and songs like Star Trekkin' are guaranteed to get the party started. If you want to broaden your theme, then you could of course use anything related to space.

Finally of course, you've got the costumes. There's something that really appeals about a Star Trek costume, and the sixties version can even be a little racy. Again, these costumes are very available online, and are great fun to wear.

Similarly, you can find all sorts of movie props and props related to the Star Trek franchise by looking online.

Bio: This guest blog post is written by Webmaster of, offering Star trek props and movie props services!


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