Loving Your Wrinkles

We don't like wrinkles. But we can actually love it and live with it. Let's just say that wrinkles can be beautiful. There are actually different views regarding wrinkles, and some learned to love it. Some view it as sign of wisdom and reminders for life's lessons especially when we were younger.

Anyone who doesn't know Cameron Diaz?

She is gorgeous. In one article in usmagazine.com, she said "I feel so much more attractive now. A thousand percent. I'm appreciating my skin and my wrinkles and all those things."

She just loves who she is and appreciates everything that she has. Now that's called women empowerment. There are actually some wrinkles that we should have. These symbolize something and can show what happened in our life.

Wrinkles that should be there

Sign of joy

One of the common type of wrinkle that most of us want to remove is the crow's feet, the ones that we can find beside our eyes. In fact, the Chinese call these joy lines. Basically, these represent pure smile and pure laughter. You can only have these when you are genuinely expressing your happy emotions.

Lines of wisdom

The horizontal lines in our foreheads are the ones that are commonly targeted by derm clinics and treatment creams. I'm sure a lot of us wished these lines to be removed because they make us look older. I'm guilty of this too.

However, these actually represent the items when we learned something, or experienced something that changed our life. Usually these happens when we are younger - in our twenties. The lines represent wisdom or survival of some really hard events in our life. So these actually serve as reminders of our past.

A symbol of true beauty

According to an article in naturalhealthmag.com.au, "A woman who can use her facial expressions to display confidence, love, laughter and emotion radiates an attractiveness that can't be replicated by expressions frozen in time. Wrinkles display warmth and charisma, adding character to our faces."

Wrinkles show a woman's real personality. She can show her real self to others through these. It is a symbol of beauty because wrinkles show maturity and femininity. At the same time it is also liberating and empowering for women to be themselves - that's what makes women who learned to love their wrinkles beautiful.

Closing thoughts

Wrinkles can really be annoying sometimes. But it's time to appreciate them and the role that they play in our lives. They're there for a reason, and they show who we really are as a person. For some people who experience aging. I mean excessive aging that causes more than just wrinkles. There are some health benefits to getting hormone therapy. One of the clinics that you can visit is the American Longevity Center.

Finally, one last statement - appreciate your wrinkles.

Author byline:
Edward Beyer loves to write about anything. Find more of his posts at American Longevity Center.


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